Package gridiq.poweranalysis

GridIQ - A test bed for smart grid agents Classes in this component are responsible for directly interacting with the power simulation tool.


Interface Summary
DeviceParser This interface represents any class that parses specific devices from a network definition file.
NetworkParser Provides an interface for classes that read and write network definition and simulation results for a power simulation tool.
PowerFlowSolver This interface defines operations for any class that interfaces with a power simulation tool.

Class Summary
PSATSolver This class enables GridIQ to interact with the PSAT power simulation tool using Gnu Octave.

Exception Summary
ParseException An exception indicating an error parsing some part of a file due to an unexpected file format.

Package gridiq.poweranalysis Description

GridIQ - A test bed for smart grid agents Classes in this component are responsible for directly interacting with the power simulation tool. The Adapter design pattern is utilised to decouple the actual simulation tool used from the rest of the system by defining an interface PowerFlowSolver. PowerFlowSolver provides a single point of access to the PowerAnalysis component for the SimulationController by implementing the Facade design pattern. A concrete implementation of the interface, PSATSolver, is provided to interact with the PSAT tool. This component is also responsible for reading network definition files and constructing a network domain model, serialising the current network state back to a file, and reading simulation results. Again the Adapter design pattern is used to decouple the network and results file formats from the rest of the system by defining an interface NetworkParser. In order to handle network and results files in the format required by PSAT, a concrete implementation PSATParser is provided.